Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Bil Awtistiaeth (Cymru) drafft

Draft Autism (Wales) Bill

Llythyr Ymgynghori DAB42

Consultation Letter DAB42

Ymateb gan Rhaglen Bae'r Gorllewin

Evidence from Western Bay Programme

Please refer to questions in the Consultation Letter.




Yes. A working contemporary definition of Autism would serve to anchor the whole document in relation to what is understood and accepted across academic (including clinical research) and applied practice fields. However it will be expected that the Bill will be supported by practice and implementation guidance which will include the definition.


Yes, but there are two issues related to clinical presentations of individuals with Autistic Spectrum conditions.

Firstly, there are those who do not present with any other diagnosable condition and or impairment other than the associated features of ASD. Such individuals would come to the attention of services if Autism is indicated but for no other reason- and at any time in the person’s lifespan.  So to include neuro-developmental conditions would not have a bearing on recommendation for this population.  Second, there are individuals who present with neuro-developmental conditions which need to be clearly differentiated from Autistic spectrum conditions. There are also individuals who present with co-morbidities. In practice, practitioners in early years and learning disability services are likely to come across individuals with a range of neuro-developmental conditions which can be associated with ASD. The approach to diagnosis and early intervention would be the same for both populations so there is merit in including Neuro-developmental disorders in the Bill. This might also serve to support the development of integrated diagnostic and intervention services serving a wider population of children with developmental conditions including Autism.


Yes. The relevant Public bodies are appropriate particularly in relation to the requirement at a local delivery level across the public sector. Reference to third sector partnership and engagement needs to be emphasised but this should be achieved through local Partnership Boards. The Criminal Justice service would also need to be included.


Yes. Additional powers would serve to ensure that the needs of the local population with ASD are assessed and that services are designed and commissioned to improve the health and well-being of the local population. This would also serve to ensure that there is a consistency across services areas in Wales regarding the quality and type of public service provision for this population.


Yes. In order to publish the Autism Strategy within 6 months of the Act coming into force, there will need to be readiness activity through local and regional strategy fora to enable this to be achieved


Yes. It will be essential to publish it as close to the formal launch of the Strategy - as this would assist national and local planning groups in the formulation of implementation plans.




Yes. The timescales published within the NICE Guidelines was based on extensive and comprehensive consultation with a broad range of stakeholders and benchmarked against a published and peer reviewed evidence base.


Yes, as the rationale for presentation to diagnostic services would likely to have been underpinned by identified social and or health need(s).


Yes. A list of core professional would be useful as this would assist commissioners in the identification of the professional constitution of the diagnostic teams. However, it should not be intended as a mutually exclusive list as the professions required will differ across the life-span.  For example, a paediatrician, educational psychologist would need to be included in early years and children’s services.


Yes, as stated above, Paediatricians and Educational Psychologists in early years and children’s services. Learning disability Specialist Nurses across the life span.


Yes. Certain diagnoses, particularly where individuals are known to specific service such as mental health, should not prevent access to appropriate services and or knowledge or expertise - this is a reciprocal issue. There is a clear need to ensure that knowledge and skills within the field of autism (i.e. diagnosis and interventions) are integrated into practice wherever an individual presents in the care system.


Yes. Specification of data sets would enable benchmarking across all services in Wales. This would also assist in the collation of outcome date to inform appraisal of service objectives, outcomes and provide a rich data set for further research on a range of population variables.


Whatever the type of data it should be linked to national outcomes frameworks for NHS and Social care for consistency.


The type of data should be specified in guidance.


Yes. The collation and publication of anonymised data across Wales will inform future practice, research and service developments. Including this would serve to set this as an expectation regarding data metrics whilst also allowing for the data set to be specified and adjusted as necessary through the statutory guidance.


The periodic roll out of a campaign on a three year cycle would enable resources to be directed at reviewing the strategy between campaign cycles. This would in turn inform what information needs to be refined and or included in subsequent campaigns.


No view.


No further comments regarding the content of the Bill however it is requested that the regulatory and equality impact assessment is published as soon as possible.